Biografi Vjee Goena

Name : Pande Bgus Gd Guna Sesana
Nicks Name :
Vjee Goena
Brithday : September 20nd, (Leo)
From : Bali-Indonesia
First picked up Bass :12 years old
Can also play : Guitar, and a little gong
Best EP song : Bumi Kini
Best EP show : Deamor comp
Driver : Motor bike
Fav food : all about Balinese food, lawar, balung etc
Fav Drinks : fruitjuice, Soda
Bands : Maximum the homone, Avenged 7 fold,
TV Show : Mtv, The News
Movies : Transfomer
Book : Interior Design
Colours : Red & Black
Animals : Bird
How Many Bass do you have : Just 4
What would you be doing if you were not in EP : May be making band yeach..he…
What do you do to prepare for show : Sleep, and check sound
If you could be anywhwre in the world, Where would it be : Home lands security “Nusa Penida-Bali-Indonesia”
If you could have dinner with 5 people in the world, who would they be : All Person NOFX band
What is the most memorable moment in your life: finaly study, and got new Mobile Phone n Bass